Scaffolding and Kids’ Baffling Behaviors with Robyn Gobbel
The Main Thing: Robyn Gobbel is just the kind of person who needs no introduction, because the minute you meet her, her passion for children from...
Preventing Shame in Parenting with Raquel McCloud
The Main Thing: We could not be more thrilled to invite Raquel McCloud back to the show! Every time we sit down with Raquel her words absolutely...
The Tale of Mallory Mouse: Foster Care to Adoption with Laura Khoury
The Main Thing: There's something about seeing things through the eyes of children that opens a way for deeper understanding and conversation....
Understanding Attachment in any Season of Parenting with Dr. Lark Eshleman
The Main Thing: Attachment is a buzz-word in the adoption and foster care community. Recent research and conversation has brought this important...
Life Lessons from Skateboarding and Foster Care with Mike Shapiro
The Main Thing: There are some people in our world doing some pretty amazing things for the children from hard places in our community. Mike...
Sowing in Tears: God’s Faithfulness in Community with Leeann Hale
The Main Thing: One of the best things about the podcast is when we make connections with YOU, our listeners! Leeann Hale reached out while we...
Meeting the Needs of Vulnerable Children and Women in our Community with Herbie Newell
The Main Thing: There's no on better to welcome as our first guest of Season Five than Herbie Newell. He is the President and Executive Director...
Welcome to Season 5 with Liz and Sarah
The Main Thing: We're back! And couldn't be more excited to bring you Season 5 of the Two Adoptive Mamas Podcast. This season is all about...
Season Four Finale with Liz and Sarah
The Main Thing: This week for Episode 088 we’re wrapping up Season 4 with some highlights and encouragement as we all step into the summer months....
Supporting Parents of Children with Autism with Andrea Pollack
The Main Thing: One of our primary goals here at Two Adoptive Mamas is to take a deep dive when we need one. When Andrea Pollack's name came...
An Adoption Story: God’s Purposeful Timing with Sarah Nichols
The Main Thing: There's something extra-sweet about popping in your earbuds and having the opportunity to hear an adoption story from a mama....
Considering Bio Siblings in Adoption with Daniela Coats
The Main Thing: We've said it before, and we'll say it again, there's so much to consider when we discuss the adoption triad. For Episode 085...