Ever have a day where you need to be reminded of some simple truths? Where the stress of the day, the worry of what is ahead, and the growing list of to-dos is clouding what we know to be true?

I’ve had those moments (let’s be real, in the last 11 months I’ve had those days) — this season has been suffocating. We are meant to be in community, we are meant to celebrate, grieve, share, and engage together — not separately, not virtually, but together.

So for those who are feeling a little extra weary in these days, I wanted to share some truths that I needed to be reminded of in recent weeks.

Our hope is in the Lord (Romans 5:3-5). I’ve been reminded time and time again that aside from what occurs outside the walls of our homes, we have the privilege as parents to instill truths that will never fail in the hearts and minds of our children. While this looks different in each phase of parenting, I have been encouraged that God will give us the grace in each season to be that light to our families. We have heard from so many amazing mamas on the podcast. Their stories of hope, encouragement to press on, and reminders that we are not alone.

Have you ever heard the song Evidence by Josh Baldwin? Have a listen. Here’s the part that gets me:

Help me remember when I’m weak
Fear may come but fear will leave
You lead my heart to victory
You are my strength and You always will be
I see the evidence of Your goodness
All over my life, all over my life
I see Your promises in fulfillment
All over my life, all over my life

That’s the thing about the evidence of God in our lives. It’s there in the good, the difficult, the uncertain — it’s everywhere. But because of this, we can confidently put one foot in front of the other, knowing He walks beside us.

And my last little truth I’ll credit to a dear friend who recently shard the concept…

If I asked you to hold an 8 oz. glass of water in your hand, you might think “that’s easy.” If I asked you to hold it for a few hours, that would likely be more difficult. What about a whole day?!

Mamas. When we hold onto something and don’t give it to Him, reach out to our network, cover it in prayer — when we just hold it in our hands, it becomes the weight of the world. God’s already got that, He doesn’t want that for us. What’s that saying? Let go and let God.

These are some simple truths I’ve needed as of late. I hope they might resonate with you!

