Dadcast: Navigating the Unexpected with Adoptive Fatherhood with Chris Telesco
The Main Thing: The dads are back! We’re thrilled to share this fun conversation for Episode 084 with Chris Telesco — you may remember his better...
Showing Up for Kids from Hard Places with Sharon Denny
The Main Thing: For Episode 083 we're pleased to share the privilege of having a conversation with Sharon Denny. You name it, she's got the...
Traveling to Bring Your Child Home with Liz and Sarah
The Main Thing: We’re taking a trip! Down memory lane to take a closer look at what it looks like to prepare and actually travel for both...
Finding Hope in Disruption with Kelsey Knodel
The Main Thing: If there's one thing we've learned over the years, it's that through sharing stories we don't feel so alone. It's with this in...
Dadcast: Perseverance in Foster Care with Nate Smith
The Main Thing: They're back! It's the dad-cast for Episode 080 and they're joined by Nate Smith to talk about finding perseverance and hope in...
Finding Their Voice with Abby Keiser
The Main Thing: We're back! With Part 2 of our Parenting Teens mini-series with Abby Keiser from COBYS Family Services. This week we're taking a...
Parenting Your Teen with Abby Keiser
The Main Thing: Two words that can inflict some uncertainty --- parenting teens. Even more so, is parenting teens from hard places. But here's the...
Tackling the Tough Stuff with Birth Mom Ashley Mitchell
The Main Thing: Episode 077 is one that we could listen to over and over again. Ashley Mitchell is one of a kind. She's brought her heart,...
Care, Ethics and an Adoption Story with Heidi Glick
The Main Thing: Heidi Glick is so full of heart, and our conversation with her is like a warm hug from a fellow adoptive mama who has been in the...
Why Policy and Advocacy Matter with Chelsea Sobolik
The Main Thing: We first welcomed Chelsea Sobolik during Season 2 to talk about her work in advocating for families at our nation’s capital. Her...
Reunification and Openness in Foster Care with Melinda and Lindy
The Main Thing: These stories are hard to share. They open wounds, challenge our faith, and test our hearts. There is nothing simple, easy, or...
Introducing the Dad-cast of 2 Adoptive Mamas
The Main Thing: They're the silent heroes behind the podcast, supporting us since day one and every step of the way. They're our other halves and...